HomeSubmission Tips and Guidelines

Submission Tips and Guidelines

Please read the Archive's Donation Agreement, located in the About section of this website or at the link below before submitting your materials.

Archives Donation Agreement

To submit materials to the Archives, please choose the type of material you wish to submit (text, image, audio, video, or weblink) and upload them to the archive using the "Upload" feature at the top of each submission page. Submit links to websites and online videos by pasting the link into the "URL" box at the top of the "weblink" submission page. 

After uploading your material, please take a moment to answer the additional informational questions on each submission page. Note that some fields are required before we can accept your submission:  

Required Fields

Name: If you do not wish to be identified, you may write "Anonymous" in this field.

Email Address: This information will not be made public.

Optional Fields

Title: Give your submission a name

Description: Tell us about your submission.  What is it?  Why did you choose to share it with us?

Contributor: Where did the submission come from?

Creator: Who created the submission?

Date: When was the submission created?

Geographic Location: Where was the submission created/located? Include city/county and state only, please.

Relation to the College of Coastal Georgia:  What is your relationship with the College? Are you a student, staff, faculty, alumni, retired staff or faculty, or a friend of the College?

Note: In order for your submission to be made public, you must select the option to publish your contribution and agree to the terms and conditions at the bottom of the submission page.

Submissions will be made public only after the site administrator has previewed the material and deemed it appropriate for public viewing.  The Archives reserves the right to not publish offensive, unlawful, or sensitive materials.